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Biden Administration: Alternative Ways to Consider Race in College Applications

Biden Administration: Alternative Ways to Consider Race in College Applications

In June of this year, the Supreme Court ruled by a 6-3 vote that universities in the U.S. can no longer use race as a factor during the admissions process. In other words, Affirmative Action admissions policies have now been rendered unconstitutional. However, the Biden administration has made it clear that universities can still consider ethnicities during admissions decisions within limits. This new development has colleges struggling to accurately interpret and incorporate the Supreme Court decision in time for the new admissions cycle. According to the court, schools cannot use race, per se, as a factor in making admissions decisions, but can consider how race affects applicants' lives. Many institutions added new instruments and issued statements reaffirming their commitment to diversity on campus. However, the questions remain, what does it entail when “ethnicity affects an applicant's life?” In a joint press release, the Departments of Education and Justice gave examples such as when a student becomes the first black violinist in their city’s youth orchestra, or how cooking has been a way for an applicant to reconnect with their roots. These subjective reflections that showcase an applicant's background and personality are still factors that admissions officers consider. Despite the ruling, some students are still jumping at the chance to write essays about their ethnicity. A 17-year-old student at Bard High School in Baltimore named Janyra Allen is an African-American teen who wants to become a nurse one day. As she applies to the University of Maryland and Notre Dame, she wrote extensively about the lack of African American medical professionals in her local hospital. As she reflects on her experiences and boasts of her accomplishments, she wants colleges to know that “black students can do amazing things, too.” Image source: NYT In a lawsuit against Harvard University, the school has been accused of racial stereotyping Asian American applicants, arguing that they are highly accomplished but highly homogenized. Allison Zhang, a senior at a public high school in Maryland, said that on her application, she "has been talking about ethnic identity and gender because as an Asian American woman, it's a big part of how I see the world and the way to face difficulties.” Image source: NYT “In short, institutions of higher education remain free to take into account various student qualities or characteristics that affect university admissions decisions, such as grit, drive or determination, even if students compare these characteristics with their ethnic lived experiences are linked." Biden administration officials have emphasized that schools can still pursue their goal of enrolling a diverse student body and can undertake targeted outreach and admissions initiatives. Universities can consider ethnicity, as well as other factors such as geographic location, financial resources and parental education, when developing such plans. For example, colleges could conduct admissions efforts directly at schools or districts populated by a majority of students of color or low-income students. The main limitation is prohibiting schools from preferring certain ethnic groups in the admissions process. In a recent statement, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona stated that “We know what happens in colleges and universities when individual states ban affirmative action.” He supports this with collated studies that show such moves lead to lower enrollments of students of color. Thus, emphasizing that "We cannot afford this kind of rollback across the country." Miguel Cardona Source: NBC News Furthermore, Cardona said that the government will publish a comprehensive report on "the most effective and promising strategies universities are using to legally produce diverse applicants and a diverse student body." However, he clarified as well that the government's advice is not a requirement and does not have the force of law. In accordance with the new mandate, UNC has now formally banned race from being considered in admissions and hiring decisions. Board Chairman David Boliek Jr. said that admissions officers will review essays in a “color-blind” way, and college essay questions will still allow students to highlight their skills and attributes without explicitly mentioning ethnicity. Image source: WSJ What role will ethnicity play for this year's college applicants? According to a study by Harvard, more than a dozen competitive colleges use phrases like “identity” and “life experience” in their essay titles to explore how aspects of a student's upbringing and background can "shape who you are." To ameliorate the situation amidst their current lawsuit, Harvard has replaced their optional essay with five short essay questions designed to allow admissions committees to see each applicant as a "whole person." They emphasized that these 200-word essays are required so that the admissions officer can make an equal judgment on each applicant. Johns Hopkins, on the other hand, says on its website: "Any part of your background, including but not limited to your ethnicity, can be discussed in an essay if you wish." However, it is with the following addendum: "Colleges only refer to how your ethnicity affects your life and personal experience." Despite the sudden changes in the admissions process, one fact stil remains and that is it still a holistic review of a students abilities and potential. As such, there are other factors that a student could explore and focus on. Balancing each factor is necessary to illustrate a holistically strong candidate for admission. Doing so may require the guidance of a seasoned professional. At Enlighteens, our consultants are committed to helping students accentuate their strengths and land them a spot in the university that is best suited for them.



当谈到美国大学排名时,总有几所大学总是名列前茅:普林斯顿大学、斯坦福大学、耶鲁大学、哈佛大学。但是,每年99%以上的大学申请人是无法进入上述这些最顶尖的大学。那么,每当我们通过各种各样的大学排名榜单去选校的时候,如何挑选一个最适合自己需求的排名呢? 在最新的 《华尔街日报》的2024年美国最佳大学 上,我们看到了很多名气超大的大学,但是排名却很低。比如申请人数破10万,录取率个位数,热度超高的纽约大学,排名竟然只有166名。而在U.S.News上面没有综合排名,只有商科专业的小众学校,巴布森学院,竟然挤进了跟 哈耶普斯麻 这些顶尖名校一起的Top10! WSJ华尔街日报最佳美国大学排名 原因是,在今年改变了排名方法之后,《华尔街日报》的排名 为规模较小、资金较少的学校提供了排名晋升的机会 ,并衡量它们对学生成功的实际影响。 以排名在第10的 巴布森学院Babson College 为例,这是波士顿附近的一所小型私立学院,该校在去年排名第126位。 巴布森学院长期以来因 创业学 而闻名,2022 届毕业生创下了巴布森大学本科生的纪录,第一份工作的收入为71,385美元,比上一届增加了14%。“这一前十名的排名证明了巴布森在市场上的实力,不仅在创业和商业教育方面,而且在所有高等教育领域。”巴布森校长Stephen Spinelli Jr.在新闻稿中表示。 图源:WSJ华尔街日报 所以,今年的排名方法究竟有和改变,对高中毕业班学生的择校方案会有什么样的启发? 排名方法 《华尔街日报》自2016年起与其研究合作伙伴College Pulse和Statista 一起发布大学排名。今年,他们对其方法进行了一些重大改变。 今年的排名 取消了“学校声誉”这一依据 ,不再为大学本身的财富或声誉打分。相反,它更重视学生的成绩,例如 毕业率和毕业生工资 ,同时衡量学校对学生毕业后成功与否的实际影响。 “一些大学为那些原本会陷入困境的学生做了很伟大的事情,但他们以前却在我们的排名中获得了相对较低的分数。”排名编辑Harry Carr对排名方法中解释道。“对于学生来说,我们相信这 个排名将帮助他们确定,哪些大学更能帮助他们顺利毕业并赚更多财富。 ” 今年的《华尔街日报》对400所美国私立和公立大学进行了评估,排名依据分成三部分: 1. 学生成绩 student outcomes(70%) 2. 学习环境 learning environment(20%) 3. 多样性 diversity(10%) 排名采用了规模最大之一的独立学生调查,并将其与政府数据相结合来计算学校的得分,它还将 学生实际支付的学费与获得的成绩 用于计算排名。 Harry Carr说道:“举个例子,考虑一下我们 在这一指标上表现最好的巴鲁克学院Baruch College ,这所大学学生平均支付的费用约为7,744美元。而Baruch College毕业生的年薪中位数为45,078美元,因此按照这一标准,仅需两个月即可收回在Baruch的教育成本。” 这所位于纽约的公立学校Baruch College在《华尔街日报》总体排名中排名第47位。它还是榜单前50所大学中仅有的10所公立院校之一。 以下是我们摘录的 《华尔街日报》2024年美国最佳大学名单的Top30: 新的排名方法让一些公立学校排名上升到前20名提供了机会。 比如,佛罗里达大学排名第15,新泽西理工学院排名第19。 虽然对学生来说,公立大学意味着更划算,尤其是那些提供州内学费和慷慨援助计划的院校,但像常春藤盟校这样的大品牌私立院校,仍然在市场上拥有巨大的影响力。 当然,这项排名并不是为了说明赚钱是学生最重要的目标。 每个学生都是不同的,他们从大学毕业的目标也不同。为此,《华尔街日报》也提供了一些其他衡量标准,可以用来评估学校,包含 学生体验排名 ——帮助读者了解就读期间是否能获得良好的体验; 社会流动性排名 ——在工资和毕业率方面表现最好,同时招收的低收入学生比例最高的大学; 纯粹基于薪资影响的排名 ——对于那些真正完全关心收入的人。

How Good or Bad is a 3.5 High School GPA?

How Good or Bad is a 3.5 High School GPA?

It is widely believed that the better your grades are in high school, the wider your options are during college applications. As such, many students prioritize maintaining a high Grade Point Average or GPA to maintain their edge among tough competition. However, with each high school having slightly different GPA algorithms, the classification of students may vary as well. First, let’s take a look at the performance level of high school students with the national average grade of B. This means that they received a GPA of around 3.0 in a 4.0 scale . If the student reaches a GPA of 3.5 or B+ , then they are considered above average which surpasses most high school students in the U.S. If we contextualize this in certain high schools, we can see a student’s chances of getting into a prestigious university. Let’s consider the case of Choate Rosemarry Hall in Wallingford, Connecticut. They are the third most famous high school in the U.S, and almamater of President Kennedy. For the past five years, 49 of their students have entered Yale University, 46 went to Columbia University, and 47 to the University of Chicago. Despite their prestige and reputation, not all of their students are high performing. As can be seen from the figure above, the weighted GPA distribution of their 2023 class shows that only 24.26% of the students exceeded 4.0. The vast majority of students scored 3.5-4.0, wile 15% were below 3.5. In Phillips Academy, a well-known boarding school in Andover, Massachusetts, they adopted a 0-6 scoring system. Students who receive a 6 are very outstanding and are considered with high honors. Image source: Phillips Academy in Andover As shown in the table above, there are very few students who are able to achieve such a grade despite being one of the top private schools in the country. Only half of their students receive a grade of 5 or excellent. About 25% of the students’ scores are below 4.75 which is considered “good” according to their scale. High school GPA conversion table Image Source: Network The above two high schools are already the best among high schools in the United States. According to the data of the National Center for Education Statistics, the average GPA of students in the United States is only 3.0 which can be broken down accordingly: Average GPA for Core Courses (e.g. Mathematics, Science, English, Social Studies): 2.79 Average GPA of Other Academic Courses (e.g. foreign languages): 3.14 Average GPA in Non-Academic Courses (e.g. PE, Cooking, etc.): 3.39 The average GPA for certain core courses are as follows: Mathematics is 2.65 Science is 2.70 English is 2.85 Social Science is 2.89 STEM courses have a lower average because these are more challenging for students. In the US, female students have a higher GPA than male students. Source: The Nation's Report Card According to a study reported by Inside Higher Ed, an internal reference for higher education in the United States, it showed that GPA scores also have "inflation." When they gathered the data of graduates from 1998 to 2016, it showed that the average GPA of students gradually rose to 3.38. Using data from North Carolina, researchers at Fordham University, along with Seth Gershenson of American University, found that schools across the state saw a higher GPA average. However, in wealthier schools, they have a 0.27 increase in the median GPA while their average increased by 0.17 points compared with lesser funded schools. In other words, it is easier to get good grades at wealthier schools, thus widening the GPA gap. In recent years, many schools no longer calculate or publish their class ranks, especially those with well-off students. This makes it moree difficult to use grades as a gauge of a student’s overall performance. As such, it is not surprising that admissions officers look further than a student’s GPA. Other factors, including extracurricular activities, essays, test scores and letters of recommendation, also play a role in the admissions process. If your goal is to get into a competitive college, it is still important to improve your GPA but you must also work on other aspects of your application to balance everything out. You may take extracurricular activities that match your interests and goals. To demonstrate your academic abilities, you can take challenging classes and prepare well for your standardized tests. Both of which are important for a the holistic assessment of a student’s performance. At Enlighteens, we look at every strength of our students and work on their weaknesses to help make them more competitive candidates for their college applications. We have services to boost our students’ grades and consultants that will guide them in choosing the right activities to supplement their academics, thus molding them into a well-rounded individual.



今年6月,最高法院以6比3的投票结果裁定,美国大学在招生时不能用申请人的种族作为录取指标,哈佛大学和北卡罗来纳大学基于种族的平权行动(Affirmative Action)招生政策违宪! 但是,近期, 拜登政府明确表示,大学仍可以在限制范围内考虑招生中的族裔问题。( 背景知识:美国的三权鼎立,让立法、司法、行政三个政府权力职能独立运作,相互制衡。所以这届保守派占多数的最高法院跟拜登代表的自由派内阁,是赤裸裸的对立的关系。) 新的一轮大学申请在即。最近几周,大学一直在努力准确解释最高法院关于种族在招生中的作用的裁决。法院在6月表示, 学校在做出录取决定时不能将族裔本身作为一个因素,但可以考虑族裔如何影响申请人的生活。 许多院校增加了新的文书,并发表声明重申他们对校园多元化的承诺。 那么,什么是“考虑族裔如何影响申请人的生活”呢? 教育部和司法部在周一的联合新闻稿中给出了示范: 对自己成为本市青年管弦乐团中第一位黑人小提琴手的反思; 向家庭成员学习烹饪传统苗族菜肴,此事如何激发了对美食的热情,并帮助申请人与自己的传统文化建立起联系 ... ... 这些仍然是招生官们考虑的因素。 一些学生正在抓住机会写有关族裔的文书。17岁的Janyra Allen就读于巴尔的摩巴德高中,她已经开始申请大学,她的首选是马里兰大学圣母大学。 Janyra是非裔,她想成为一名护士,她在文章中写到医院缺乏非裔护士和医生。 Janyra试图在她的申请文书中纳入她的族裔和成就,因为她希望大学知道“黑人学生也可以做出惊人的事情。 图源:NYT 此前,诉讼指控哈佛对亚裔美国人进行种族刻板印象,认为亚裔申请人成就很高,但同质化严重。马里兰州一所公立高中的高年级学生Allison Zhang表示,在她的申请中,她“一直在谈论族裔身份和性别,因为 作为一名亚裔美国女性,这在很大程度上影响了我看待世界和面对困难的方式。 ” 图源:NYT 政府表示:“简而言之,高等教育机构仍然可以自由地把影响大学录取决定的各种学生品质或特征纳入考量,例如 勇气、动力或决心 ,即使学生在申请中,将 这些特征与他们的族裔生活经历联系起来了。 ” 拜登政府官员强调,学校仍然可以追求招收多元化学生群体的目标,并可采取有针对性的外展和招生举措。大学在制定此类计划时,可以考虑族裔以及地理位置、财务资源和家长的教育水平等因素。例如,大学可以直接在为有色人种学生或低收入学生集中的学校或学区进行招生工作。而主要的限制是学校无法在招生过程中为目标群体提供优先选择。 “我们知道当个别州禁止平权行动时,大学里会发生什么。”周一,教育部长Miguel Cardona在新闻发布会上指出研究表明, 此类举措导致有色人种学生的入学率下降。“我们无法承受全国范围内的这种倒退。” Miguel Cardona 图源:NBC News Cardona说,未来几周,政府将发布一份全面报告,内容涉及“大学合法培养多元化申请者和多元化学生群体的最有效、最有前途的策略”。 不过,政府的建议不是要求,也不具有法律效力。 北卡罗来纳大学UNC 上个月正式禁止在招生和招聘决定中考虑族裔因素。董事会主席David Boliek Jr.表示,招生人员应该以“色盲”的方式审查论文,大学出的文书题目也可以让学生在不提及族裔的情况下突出技能和特质。 图源:WSJ 对于今年的大学申请者来说,族裔身份将扮演什么样的角色? 超过十几所入学竞争激烈的大学正在 文书题目中使用“身份”和“生活经历”等短语, 来探讨学生成长和背景的各个方面 如何“塑造了你是谁” (哈佛大学)。 处于诉讼风波中心的 哈佛大学Harvard 用五篇短文书取代了过去的一篇可选文书,旨在让招生委员会将每个申请者视为一个“完整的人”。哈佛表示,这几篇200字的文书都是必答的,以便招生办公室能够对每一位申请人做出平等的判断。 约翰·霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins 在其网站上说到:“如果您愿意,您背景的任何部分,包括但不限于您的族裔,都可以在文书中讨论。” 但同时它增提醒道:“大学仅参考它如何影响你的生活和个人经历。”



在上个月的推送中,通过计算大学的真实成本,也就是Cost of Attendance(COA),包括学费、杂费、住宿、餐食、书籍、医疗保险,有的大学还会计算交通和个人开支等项目,我们盘点了2023年 最贵的25所知名度较高的美国大学 。 其中,最贵的西北大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、布朗大学,虽然学杂费用在$62,000 - $65,000之间,但实际上学的成本一年高达$83,000美金以上! 今天,我们再来看看, 最受学生欢迎的美国Top60大学中,有哪些大学的学费和出勤费用最低 ,对于一般家庭来说负担得起。 我们根据US News 2023美国大学的排名,挑选了Top60大学中学费(州外学费)在 五万美元以下的20所大 学,根据各校官网2023-24费用信息进行更新,再按照最新学费从低到高进行排序,获得了以下这份大学名单: Cost of Attendance(COA)每年的总费用 加州大学圣地亚哥分校UC San Diego在更新完2023-24的学费之后,超过了五万美元(学费$51,054,COA$72,165),所以我们从名单上移除了。 公立大学固然在费用上有着更大的吸引力,但相互之间也存在着很大的差异。 比如 佛罗里达州 的两所大学,不管是学费还是整体的出勤费用都相对低廉,而大学排名在20-40之间的各所 加州大学分校 ,集体来到了名单的尾部,加上出勤、住宿等费用,加州大学都超过了七万美金。其中,伯克利分校的费用最高,2023-24学年的COA为$78,742。 美国大学费用概况 在美国,6,292所学校中有6,050所提供本科课程,按学校类型划分,公立大学有2,011所,私立大学有3,441所,这些类别之间的平均出勤费用有很大的差别。 2023年,美国四年制公立大学州内学生的平均COA为28,210美元,州外学生为 38,394美元;在私立四年制学校,平均COA为43,795美元,而在社区大学,州内学生平均COA为17,688美元,州外学生为21,868美元。(如下图) 图源:collegetuitioncompare 但 从学费这一项来看 的话,全美公立大学州内本科生平均学杂费为8,994美元,州外学生平均学杂费为19,277美元。在私立学校,本科生学杂费为26,740美元;在社区学院,州内的平均学杂费为4,640美元,而州外学生平均为8,812美元。 图源:collegetuitioncompare 如果往更小单位去算,看每个学分的费用 。美国大学每学分的平均费用,州内居民为305美元,州外学生为689美元,贵了一倍。私立学校的平均费用为967美元,是公立州内每学分的三倍。 对于研究生课程,公立大学州内居民每学分的平均学费为487美元,州外学生每学分的平均学费为928美元,比本科生的学分贵了不少!而在私立研究生院,每个学分的平均成本为857美元,稍低于本科学生费用。 我们在挑选大学进行申请时,费用是必须要考虑的因素,在之前的推送中,我们也提到过,很多情况里我们并 不需要支付大学的“标价”全额 ,通过 申请助学金、奖学金 ,我们可以把费用降得更低。



1950年,宾夕法尼亚大学每年收取600美元的学费 ,换算成到2023年的价值,大约是6,000美元。而如今,宾夕法尼亚大学每年的就读费用超过83,000美元。相似的, 1960年大多数私立大学的学费为1,500-2,000美元,相当于今天的12,000美元至16,000美元。 而我们现在却认为,每年大学动不动就50,000美元以上的学费是“合理的”。 公立大学也是如此。 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 目前的州内学费为9,000 美元,是所有高等教育中最便宜的之一。当然,与30年前的州内学费相比,这简直是小巫见大巫, 当年仅为504美元! 今天我们就来看看2023年最贵的25所知名度较高的美国大学。首先,大学费用是如何计算的呢?很多大学花费的明细里仅包含学杂费,但是,学杂费只是账单中的一大部分,不是全部。 想要知道上某所大学的真实成本,还要计算其他必要的开支,也就是Cost of Attendance(COA),涵盖包括学费、杂费、住宿、餐食、书籍、医疗保险,有的大学还会计算交通和个人开支等项目 。以下的学费计算均采用的是2022-23学年学费。 图源:网络 2023年最贵的25所美国大学 1. 西北大学 在西北大学,你能获得的人际网络很可能会在未来几十年内为你带来职业发展上的帮助。44%的本科生获得了经济援助,并且大学满足了他们100%的需求。 学杂费:$63,468 总费用:$83,784 2. 宾夕法尼亚大学 宾夕法尼亚大学100%满足所有符合条件的学生的实际需求,每年授予平均 5.4万美元的助学金。但即使你需要支付全额学费,宾夕法尼亚大学的起薪也很高,即使是学生贷款也不会对绝大多数毕业生造成过大的压力。 学杂费:$63,452 总费用:$83,298 3. 布朗大学 布朗大学也是100%满足需要助学金的学生们的需求,这相当于每个学生每年获得平均超过57,000美元的财务支持。尽管成本高昂,布朗大学还是一所物有所值的大学。 学杂费:$65,146 总费用:$83,231 图源:Brown官网 4. 芝加哥大学 芝加哥大学现在有36%的学生符合经济援助资格,且大学满足了学生100%的实际需求,平均每年给学生提供57,000美元的补助。 学杂费:$62,940 总费用:$82,848 5. 里德学院 超过50%的里德大学学生有资格获得助学金,并且平均每年获得 52,000美元的援助。然而,对于没有获得助学金资格,并且不是来自富裕家庭的学生,则需要为自己的大学准备好$300,000美金以上的教育经费。 学杂费:$62,730 总费用:$82,660 6. 乔治城大学 与许多类似的精英大学一样,乔治城大学更专注于为那些真正有财务需求的学生提供大量资助。超过三分之一的注册本科生获得了助学金,且乔治城大学满足了100%的实际需求,平均每年能获得约5万美元。 学杂费:$62,052 总费用:$82,505 图源:Georgetown官网 7. 卫斯理大学 卫斯理大学能给所有符合助学金条件的学生都100%满足了需求,他们能获得的平均补助金为60,000美元,也有一小部分学生获得了大量的基于学生优秀程度的奖学金。 学杂费:$64,022 总费用:$82,395 8. 哈维穆德学院 大约70%的学生获得某种类型的助学金,平均44,000美元。去年,17%的新生因为优异而获得了奖学金。因此,哈维穆德帮助了许多来自中低收入家庭的学生完成大学。 学杂费:$62,817 总费用:$82,236 9. 耶鲁大学 得益于420亿美元的捐赠,每一个有资格获得助学金的学生都可以得到大学 100%的资助,平均补助金为65,000 美元。 学杂费:$62,250 总费用:$82,170 图源:Yale 官网 10. 韦尔斯利学院 学校没有设置奖学金,但57%的学生获得了基于需求的助学金,并且100%满足需求,平均补助金为6万美元。 学杂费:$61,920 总费用:$82,090 11. 维克森林大学 维克森林大学只向 25% 的本科生提供助学金,这一数字与其他顶尖学校相比较低,但获得助学金的学生中,97%的人认为平均每年56,000美元的补助金可以满足他们的全部需求。 学杂费:$62,128 总费用:$81,856 12. 塔夫茨大学 目前只有43%的本科生有资格获得助学金,平均每年的补助金略低于53,000美元。即使你必须做出经济上的牺牲才能入学,塔夫茨大学也是一所能让你接触到许多专业人脉网络的学校,这些资源在你进入研究生院或职场时会派上用场。 学杂费:$65,222 总费用:81,700 美元 图源:Tufts官网 13. 哥伦比亚大学 哥伦比亚大学给所有符合条件的学生发放100%满足其需求的财务援助,平均金额超过61,000美元。哥伦比亚大学不提供任何程度的奖学金,因此那些不符合经济补助的学生,将支付全额的就读费用。 学杂费:$62,570 总费用:$81,680 14. 达特茅斯学院 2025届毕业生平均每年获得69,000美元的奖学金,这一数字可以100%满足每个学生的经济需求。 学杂费:$62,430 总费用:$81,662 15. 南加州大学 目前近三分之二的本科生获得了某种形式的经济援助,所有获得助学金的学生都认为需求得到了充分满足。许多南加州大学的毕业生从事着收入丰厚的职业,而学校在雇主、研究生院的校友基础也为毕业生发展带来了便利。 学杂费:$64,726 总费用:$81,659 图源: USC Athletics官网 16. 圣路易斯华盛顿大学 华盛顿大学新生有资格获得来自大学的100%资助,平均每学年获得5.5万美元的助学金。 学杂费:$60,590 总费用:$81,620 17. 哈弗福德学院 哈弗福德满足了符合条件的学生的100%的实际需求,给44%的学生每人平均每年总补助金近58,000美元,帮助中低收入家庭的学生负担得起学校费用。 学杂费:$63,348 总费用:$81,522 18. 瓦萨学院 54%的本科生有资格获得援助,且100%满足需求,这意味着平均每人收获超过51,000美元,这使得瓦萨学院成为一所负担得起的大学。 学杂费:$64,800 总费用:$81,280 图源:Vassar官网 19. 杜兰大学 杜兰大学平均为每个符合条件的学生提供4万美元的助学金。 学杂费:$62,844 总费用:$81,232 20. 南卫理公会大学 南卫理公会大学跻身最昂贵的 20 所大学之列,但这所大学满足了86%的经济需求,并慷慨地提供优秀奖学金,为所有符合资格的一年级新生提供平均31,000美元的奖学金。总共有72%的本科生获得一定程度的助学金或奖学金。 学杂费:$61,980 总费用:$81,074 21. 富兰克林和马歇尔学院 58%本科生获得助学金,且100%经济需求得到满足,平均补助金超过52,000美元。学校不提供基于优异程度的奖学金。 学杂费:$65,844 总费用:$80,811 图源:F&M官网 22. 欧柏林学院 欧柏林是一所可以100%满足所有本科生需求的文理学院。去年,学校向 80%的本科生提供了某种形式的资助,平均资助金额为32,000美元。 学杂费:$61,965 总费用:$80,705 23. 巴纳德学院 对于那些收入较低的学生家庭来说,每年平均可以获得51,000美元的补助金,100%满足需求。巴纳德毕业生的平均债务远低于普通大学毕业生。 学杂费:$62,525 总费用:$80,693 24. 波士顿学院 波士顿学院向那些无法支付全额学费的学生提供可观的经济援助。符合条件的本科生每年可以获得超过50,000美元的补助,且100%的需求被满足,使得这所大学的费用更容易被大家接受。 学杂费:$64,176 总费用:$80,658 图源:BC 官网 25. 匹泽学院 匹泽学院40%左右的本科生每年平均获得44,000美元的资助,满足了100%的学生实际需求。它是世界知名的克莱蒙特文理学院联盟的一部分,可以接触一流的设施和教授,帮助学生敲开了那些最具竞争力的研究生院、奖学金以及大公司的大门。 学杂费:$60,578 总费用:$80,558 为什么2023年大学学费这么贵? 公立大学方面,很大程度上是因为美国大多数州提供的资金水平与千禧年之初的水平相差甚远,而对于私立学校来说,行政成本增加、市场驱动,以及大学标价与学生实际支付价格的差距等原因。 事实上, 这份名单上的大多数学校,都是全美财政援助最慷慨的学校之一 。这些资金雄厚的大学在不同程度上成功地帮助越来越多的经济困难学生和第一代学生负担得起大学费用。 请记住,Cost of Attendance大学标价并不一定是我们需要实际支付的价格。 投资孩子进入一所培养高收入毕业生的大学,可能是一个聪明的选择。相反,为一所资源较少且毕业生成绩不佳的学校支付高额费用,则可能是灾难性的。所以,查询大学费用是您的第一步,还需要更深入、细致地了解一所大学能够提供的教育,是否对得起它的价格。

Copy of Is it Harder for Californian Students to Get Into UC?

Copy of Is it Harder for Californian Students to Get Into UC?

The University of California application results for the fall of 2023 have been released. Since it is a public university system, the admissions process for UC schools can be quite political. Not only do they cater to in-state applicants, but they also make sure that the number of minorities they admit is proportional to the population. As such, admissions policies with regard to the benefit of minorities may be another hurdle an applicant will face. If we are to look at the latest official admissions data released by the University of California, we would see which demographic is more likely to be admitted. In the Undergraduate Admission Data, the University of California divides students into three categories according to the last school they graduated from: ▼ California Resident applicant ▼ Domestic Non-Resident Applicants ▼ Non-Resident International Applicant #20 UC Berkeley According to the admissions data for the past three years at UC Berkeley, the admissions rate has consistently dropped. As such, it is progressively more difficult for applicants to be accepted, especially for out-of-state students. #20 UCLA Likewise, the battle at UCLA was brutal, with neither side having more than a 10% acceptance rate. The admission rate of out-of-state applicants has even declined in three years, but it is still on par with in-state applicants. However, international applicants are more unfortunate. The difficulty of applying to UCLA and UCB is almost the same as that of applying to Ivy League schools. #32 UC Santa Barbara At UC Santa Barbara, they are more open to out-of-state applicants. In the past three years, the out-of-state admission rate at UCSB has always been the highest. However, there is not much difference between in-state and out-of-state admissions in the fall of 2022. #34 UC San Diego UCSD, which ranks 34th on the US News list of top National Universities, is considered by many Californians as the 3rd best university in the UC System. However, it is not as attractive as UCB and UCLA for out-of-state students. This is also reflected in the yield rates of out-of-state admissions from other branch schools since they are all in the single digits. However, overall, UCSD’s acceptance rate has also declined very rapidly while applications increase annually since it is known for being a good university for Engineering, Computer, and other similar programs. #34 UC Irvine Irvine has also seen a similar spike in applicants who are interested in Computer and Game related programs. In the last year alone, they received more than 100,000 applications. And even though their acceptance rate for in-state applicants in the UC System is not the least, they accept more out-of-state applicants. #38 UC Davis Many students regard UC Davis as the best UC campus among the Top 50 Universities. Indeed, historically speaking, its admission rate is higher compared with the other campuses. In the fall of 2021, they had an 80% admission rate. However, in the fall of 2022, their admission rate declined and has continued to do so for this year’s results. #83 UC Santa Cruz In terms of last year’s data, UC Santa Cruz is kinder to applicants, wherein more than half were given an offer. #89 UC Riverside Compared with the other campuses whose acceptance rates have decreased, UC Riverside has accepted more applicants in the past three years. #97 UC Merced Established in 2005, it is the youngest branch school in the UC System. And although it currently doesn’t rank high in the list of Top National Universities, many people are optimistic about its future. At present, it is still the most friendly branch school for in-state students, with an admission rate of 92.5% during the fall 2022 application season. However, their out-of-state and international student acceptance rate is quite low, partly because, these groups of students rarely choose to enroll in this branch. The schools in the UC System vary in difficulty and prestige. However, their unique one-for-all application system makes it a popular choice for many students, making the competition more intense for in-state, out-of-state, and international applicants alike. To secure a spot at an ideal UC campus, longer-term academic and activities planning becomes crucial. As the application season comes to an end, Enligh teens will strive to offer more insight for future applicants with all kinds of backgrounds. Stay tuned!



在大家的印象里,选择在美国上学,也同时等于踏上了一条“漫漫花钱路”。归于国际学生来说,在众多留学目的地中,美国又似乎是其中最“烧钱”的选择之一。 普通家庭如果想去美国读书,有没有高性价比的“实惠”之选?不同收入区间的家庭,在准备赴美留学时,从经济层面应该如何按需规划? 华人家庭青睐的加州大学,学费是如何构成的? 根据成本不同,美国大学可以分为“经济版”、“标配版”和“豪华版” ,而加州大学则是典型的“标配版”花费。 加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)和加州大学伯克利分校(UCB)一直以来都位列本土学生和国际生最喜爱的大学之中。 在美国大学中,UCLA的申请人数一直是最多的,没有之一。它是第一所全球申请人数超过10万的大学。而在疫情之后,这个情况甚至更加极端,申请人数节节攀升。 加州大学的学费费用分为 居民和非居民 两种,但要明确的是:在就读大学层面,居民和非居民的身份认定是 建立在税法意义上 的。 大学学费对于居民和非居民来说,差价非常大, 主要差距就在“非居民补充学费”这一栏,即图中右下角的“31026美元”, 这一数字每年都会调整。加州系的几所大学,不管排名高低,都会按照这样的学费构成进行收费。 如果你是税法意义上加州的当地居民,则可以享受较低的学费标准。所谓税法上的居民,必须在加州纳税。如果家长或孩子本身可以在加州独立纳税的话,一年学费大概是14000美元。 在住宿方面,如果住标间的话,美国大学的标间一般是两人一间宿舍,费用也包含了所谓的膳食费,即校方会给你固定金额的卡,不算早餐的话大概一周包16餐左右,每个学校金额不同,但基本都是够用的。小额的书籍、课本费用支出则因人而异。图中有一项“个人的”支出,这一项因人而异,差距很大。 经济、标配、豪华,不同家庭如何规划? 针对不同家庭的年开支,留学预算可以分为以下3个区间:小于30万,30-50万,50万以上。 1. 经济版 首先是“经济版”的规划。曾经有一个很特别的案例,是一个就读于美国中部天主教会性质大学的孩子,四年花费非常低,低到令人震惊。论证过后,我们发现这种超低花费确实可行,但是对于孩子的要求比较高,需要孩子非常独立自主、融入美国社会。 什么样的孩子更能快速融入美国环境呢?不符合国内常规意义上的“好学生”标准、在国内自信心被打击,但很善于表达的孩子,就更能融入。 美国大学和美国社会一样,像“自助餐”, 个人的努力和选择更为重要。 在美国读大学,孩子就好比一个饥饿的食客,在美国的教育资源中,不管最顶级的大学,还是比较“好进”、排名一般的大学,都能帮学生饱腹、补充营养。 哈耶普斯麻之类的学校,自带营养均衡、少盐少油属性;而如果是去一个普通大学,也能完成四年的教育,只是更加“低廉”,需要学生自己精心搭配、努力选择。 细化下来, “经济版” 选择还能分三类学校,分别是 州立非“旗舰”大学、宗教型大学、社区大学 。 2. 标配版 所有我们能想到的公立大学,都属于“标配版”,如加州系大学、华盛顿大学(西雅图)、普渡大学、佛罗里达大学等, 囊括了美国TOP 150的大多数学校。 如果孩子本身实力不错,首先还是推荐私立大学,因为私立的教育体验会比公立大学好很多。 3. 豪华版 而“豪华版”,则是指南加大、纽约大学(主要是住宿昂贵)等,最贵约85000美元。 如果家中经济条件一般,建议别让孩子去读一些太出名的学校。在考虑成本时,家长不能只看学费支出,还要看买车、租房等隐形开支。青春期的孩子虚荣心比较重,而这些学校的社交、聚会的成本较高,很容易产生孩子之间比来比去的情况,孩子很容易“飘”。 有些家长会问:“如果我没有送孩子去豪华版学校的经济条件,但孩子学术非常好, 能不能在藤校免学费?能否打工、申请奖学金来减轻压力?” 理论上来说,哈佛、MIT、阿默斯特等这类顶级学校,只要学生需要钱,都会有一定经济援助的渠道,所以钱不是问题。但是这类学校在国内的录取名额非常少,他们有足够的底气筛选各方面都非常优秀的学生,在和这些学生的竞争中,突出重围非常困难。 所以这一点理论上可行,但实际上非常难。 所以预算不高的家庭,不一定要申请豪华版大学,让孩子在学校里做到TOP级,就业发展同样很好。 而 文理学院 这一概念对于国内很多家长来说都较为陌生。如果未来有读研、读博计划,比如医学生、法学生,那么非常适合读文理学院。如果只读本科的话,文理学院本科就业较为一般,因为这属于“博雅教育”,更“仰望星空”而非实用主义。 综上,不管家中预算如何,要在美国上学,都总有解决的方案。 教育是一个解决生活愿望和长期职业规划的方案,没有高低贵贱之分。 从根本上来说,不管未来是往哪个方向发展,都要围绕这三个点思考: 1. Know How :要知道实现的路径是怎样的。可以多听讲座、看英文评估(美国的数据信息都是公开的) 2. Know Your Goal :你要确定目标:上学的目的是什么? 3. Know Yourself :这一点很关键。要了解孩子如何在最合适的学科展现优势、最合适的活动展现自己的能量、最合适的学校环境学到知识。这些不是到了美国就自然而然了解的,美国没有“班主任”角色。 擅长、喜欢、必须三件事需要调和,而这三个圆圈的交集就是你要做的事。

How to Pick Your Major and Make a College List in 9 Steps

How to Pick Your Major and Make a College List in 9 Steps

Choosing a major is one of the biggest decisions rising high school seniors and college students make, yet, many wish they could have a second chance. A survey showed that 61% of college graduates would change their major if they could go back in time. So how do you decide which major is best for you? If you, too, are trying to find the right college and the right major, here are some suggestions: 1. Choosing Your Major Evaluate your skillset First, list your strengths and interests. When you're done, ask your close friends and family what they think of you. Sometimes, we need a third party to remind us of overlooked talents and skills. Include any subjects that you've always been interested in but never pursued fully, as well as things you used to be good at but haven't done in a while. Research Potential Career Paths After listing your interests and hobbies, see which jobs match those interests. For example, if you're interested in music, you could work as a music teacher, a club founder, or find a job at a music-related nonprofit. After listing potential occupations, consider reaching out to people who have already held them so you can get a sense of what the job is really like. Observing how things actually work can better help you determine if you're genuinely interested. Estimate Future Earnings The Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks career growth for most occupations. Visit the site and select the career group you are interested in, and from there, you can see what job opportunities are available in each field. The fastest-growing occupations for 2021-31, source: BLS Once you have a list of jobs that interest you, you can use this site to see which jobs have positive growth rates and income that fit your desired lifestyle. While future income should not be the only motivation for choosing a career, it is an important factor to consider. Knowing this information can help you decide how much money to invest in your education. Also, think about the lifestyle you want to live after college. For example, if you wish to live in a big city, travel around, or start a family, you will need a job that will cover these expenses. Determine the Length of Education Not all majors are of equal length. Some programs, such as law, require more time than others, so consider how much time you can devote to studying. Also, research what degree you need to earn to work in your field of interest. If you need to pursue a professional degree or a master's degree to achieve your career goals, consider the additional time and money required before finalizing your bachelor's degree major. 2. Find the Right College for Your Major Now that you've chosen a major, it's time to find the best colleges for that major. Here are some ways to help you narrow down your list of schools: Check out Program Rankings You can easily find comprehensive university rankings online, and you can also filter schools by location, setting, school size, and more. Beyond that, you can find specific rankings for majors like business, engineering, and computer science. Source: The Chronicle These publications' rankings usually only include certain undergraduate programs, so you may have to do your own research to find the best schools. For example, if you are interested in becoming a teacher, do a Google search for "best education programs" or "best education colleges," cross-reference the gold stars of the search results, note the colleges that come up most often, and add them to Your College List. Talk to a Counselor Your counselor or advisor can make school selection recommendations based on your interests and will match you with the colleges with the best chance of admission. Stanford University, for example, has one of the top business programs in the country, but the application process is highly competitive—the school has an acceptance rate of about 4%, and advisors can help you decide how to choose the best school for your grades and experience. Find a College that Meets a Variety of Interests If you are interested in several different subjects, choose a university that offers good teaching in all of them. This way, if you want to change your major to another option, you can receive a quality education without having to transfer schools. For example, if you're interested in learning Spanish and marketing, look for a school with a good language and business program. Consider Your Budget Some careers require a degree beyond a bachelor's degree. If you need an advanced degree, consider prioritizing an affordable school at the undergraduate level, minimize the amount of student loan borrowing, and be sure to apply for as many scholarships and grants as possible. Source: Network In-state public universities are often the best bang for your buck, and many of them are highly ranked. But you should also consider private colleges, especially if your family income is low, and many private schools offer substantial scholarships or grants to students with financial needs. Be Flexible According to the U.S. Department of Education, 33 percent of undergraduates change their major at least once. About 9 percent changed majors two or more times. Other data showed that more than half of students changed majors at least once. After going to college, it is normal to find that you are not as interested in this major as you thought. Keep an open mind and don't push yourself to stick with the degree path you chose out of high school. You'll probably spend about a third of your life at work, so don't force yourself to stay in a major you don't like.



选择专业是高中生和大学生做出的最大决定之一,然而,许多人希望他们可以重做这个决定。一项调查显示, 如果可以回到过去,61%的大学毕业生会改变他们的专业。 如何确定最适合你的专业?如果你也试图找到合适的大学专业,以下是一些建议: 1. 选择合适的专业 考虑你的技能 首先,列出你的优势和兴趣。完成后,询问你亲近的朋友和家人他们对你的评价。有时候,我们需要第三方来提醒我们忽视的才能和技能。把那些你一直感兴趣,但从未全力追求的任何主题都包括进来,还有你以前擅长但已经有一段时间没有做的事情。 研究潜力职业 列出您的兴趣和爱好后,看看哪些工作符合这些爱好。例如,如果你对音乐感兴趣,那可以担任音乐教师、俱乐部发起人或在与音乐相关的非营利组织中找到一份工作。在列出潜在职业后,考虑访问已经从事这些工作的人,这样就可以了解这份工作的真实感受。观察真实的工作方式可以更好地帮助你判断自己是否真正感兴趣。 估计未来收益 劳工统计局对大多数职业的职业增长进行了跟踪。访问该网站并选择你感兴趣的职业群体,从那里,你可以看到每个领域中有哪些工作机会。 2021-31年增长最快的职业,图源:BLS
一旦你有了感兴趣的工作列表,你可以使用这个网站查看哪些工作有正面的增长率和适合你期望生活方式的收入。虽然未来的收入不应该是选择某个职业的唯一动机,但这是一个重要因素需要考虑。了解这些信息可以帮助你决定在你的教育中投入多少合理的资金。 此外,考虑一下你在大学毕业后希望的生活方式。例如,如果你希望生活在大城市、四处旅行或组建家庭,你将需要一份足以支付这些费用的工作。 确定学习时长 并非所有的专业都是相等时长。有些项目,比如法学,需要比其他专业更多的时间,考虑你可以投入多少时间进行学习。 还要研究一下你需要获得什么学位才能在你感兴趣的领域工作。如果你需要攻读专业学位或硕士学位以实现职业目标,请在最终决定学士学位专业之前,考虑好额外的时间和金钱。 2. 为你的专业找到合适的大学 现在你已经选择了一个专业,是时候找到最适合该专业的大学了。以下方法可以帮助你缩小选校列表: 看排名 您可以轻松地在线找到大学综合排名,也可以根据地点、环境、学校规模等条件过滤这些学校。除此之外,你还可以找到商业、工程和计算机科学等专业的具体排名。 图源:The Chronicle 这些出版物的排名通常只包括某些本科项目,所以你可能需要自己搜索来找到最好的学校。例如,如果您有兴趣成为一名教师,请在Google上搜索“最佳教育项目”或“最佳教育学院”,对搜索结果金星交叉参考,记下最常出现的大学,并将它们添加到列表中。 与升学顾问谈话 你的辅导员或顾问可以根据你的兴趣方向提出选校建议,同时会为你匹配最有可能被录取的大学。 例如,斯坦福大学拥有全国顶尖的商科项目之一,但申请过程竞争激烈——学校的录取率约为4%,顾问们可以帮助你决定如何选择最适合你成绩、经历的学校。 寻找满足多种兴趣的大学 如果你对几个不同的学科感兴趣,那就选择能在这些学科上都能提供良好教学的大学。这样,如果你想将专业转为其他选择,就可以在不需要转学的情况下接受优质教育。 例如,如果你对学习西班牙语和市场营销感兴趣,那就寻找一所拥有良好语言和商业课程的学校。 考虑成本 某些职业需要学士以上的学位。如果你需要高级学位,请考虑在本科阶段优先选择一所负担得起的学校,尽量减少借学生贷款的金额,并确保申请尽可能多的奖学金和助学金。 图源:网络 州内公立大学通常是最划算的选择,而且其中许多大学排名很高。但也同时应该考虑私立大学,特别是如果你的家庭收入较低,许多私立学校为有经济需求的学生提供大量奖学金或助学金。 保持变通、灵活 根据美国教育部的数据,33%的本科生至少换过一次专业。大约 9%的人转专业两次或更多次。其他数据显示,超过一半的学生至少换过一次专业。 上大学后,发现自己并不像想象的那样对这个专业感兴趣,这是很正常的。保持开放的心态,不要强迫自己坚持高中毕业时选择的学位道路。你可能会在工作中度过一生中大约三分之一的时间,所以不要强迫自己留在你不喜欢的专业上。



最近几年,美国工作签证--H1B申请数量一直在呈大幅上涨趋势, 2024财年H1B申请数量更是再创历史新高,突破78w ,这也就意味着中签率创了历史新低,根据移民局和律师的反馈, 今年的平均中签率更是低到在11%以下。 今年早些时候,美国移民局公布了完整版2022财年H1B申请和审批报告,报告中统计时间为2021年10月1日至2022年9月30日。整体 申请数量上 ,2022财年移民局一共收到474,301份H1B申请,这一数量比2021财年的398,269份 上涨了19%。 报告中公布了2022财年申请了H1B的公司规模和性质。在474,301份申请中,盈利性企业提交了336,329份申请,非盈利性质机构提交了137,972份申请。 从申请公司、机构规模员工人数来看,员工人数少于25人的申请数量为45,067份,员工人数超过25人的申请数量为359,292份,公司规模未知的申请数量为69,942份。 图源:美国移民局报告 2022财年的免抽签类H-1B申请雇主中,有23,280份来自美国的高等教育机构,有16,121份来自高等教育机构相关或附属的非营利机构,另外有6,929份来自非营利研究组织或政府研究机构。 我们来看看下面这份根据2021财年报告统计的排名,它按照提交的LCA数量从高到低进行排序的, LCA(labor condition application) /劳工情况申请是H1B的第一步,只有LCA被劳动局批准了,才能向移民局递交材料申请H1B。 这份排名对 H1B申请最多的行业 也进行了统计和排序,申请量前15名的行业多为 计算机和科技、科学、金融商务 方向: 那么, 哪些雇主对雇员的H1B申请支持力度最大呢? 这份排名也根据LCA数量制作了雇主排名,以下是从高到低的申请量Top 25企业: 根据美国移民局的2022财年H1B申请报告,最终H1B通过数量最高的10个企业如下,分别是Tata Consultancy Service塔塔咨询服务(通过率94%),Google谷歌(99%),Microsoft微软(99%),Amazon亚马逊(99%),Meta(99%),Infosys印孚瑟斯(95%),Apple苹果(99%),Deloitte德勤(98%),Cognizant告知特(97%)和Intel英特尔(98%)。 图源:VisaNation Law Group 美国的西海岸地区(加州和华盛顿州为代表)真是通过技术实现移民美国的宝地,2022财年中,加州、德州、华盛顿州是位列申请了最多LCA的三大州,加州一个州就独占27.2%, 东部纽约州和新泽西州的总和加在一起都敌不过一个加州的申请数量。 图源:美国移民局报告 拿到H1B之后,离“留在美国”还差多远呢? 以下是美国职业移民的步骤。 美国职业移民申请非常关键的两步: 1.现行工资标准(Prevailing Wage Determination,简称PWD) 2.PERM(劳工证) 从H1B到绿卡,图源来自网络 PERM 是美国职业移民绿卡申请的关键步骤之一,只有PERM获得批准后才可以继续向美国移民局递交职业移民资格申请。申请PERM时总是让人提心吊胆。因为在这一过程中,申请人的申请会被抽查审计,劳工部会随机审查PWD申请和公司发布的招聘广告是否完全匹配。



成为一名捍卫法律和人民权利的律师是很多孩子的理想,美国历届总统里律师出身的人最多。美国目前有一百三十多万律师,那律师的教育路径是怎样的? 美国学生在 完成undergraduate study 后,学生需要 申请Law School 进行专业的学习,去 获得JD (Juris Doctor)法学博士。 美国之外的很多国家本科教育是有法律专业的,所以国际学生除了申请JD之外还可以申请LLM(Master of Laws)法学硕士项目,法学院毕业之后,学生需要 考目标就业州的Bar Exam ,即律师资格考试。 美国新闻与世界报道US News的法学院排名 被认为是最具影响力的法学院排名,它在1987年首次尝试对美国法学院进行排名,并从1990年开始发布年度排名。自US News发布法学院排名以来,耶鲁大学法学院常年蝉联第一,哈佛大学和斯坦福大学也名列前三甲,近年来芝加哥大学追了上来,取代了哈佛大学位居第三。 美国T14法学院 在美国,法学院中有一个“T14”的说法,指的是在US News排名中最常占据前十四名的大学。 T14法学院分布 图源:wikipedia 虽然这些学校的位置经常变化,但自排名开始以来,它们大多没有跌出过14 名之外,除了经常争夺第14名的乔治城大学和加州大学洛杉矶分校。下图是最新的2024年T14排名: 2024年US News法学院(T14) 法学院排名被众名校抵制的风波 2022年11月, T14中有11所通过拒绝提交录取数据的方式,宣布不再参与US News排名 ,他们批评这项排名是无数有争议的指标的产物,未能充分反映院校质量,并对学生和大学产生了不良激励,不利于学生或法律职业的发展。 排名反对者的一个抱怨是,未来的法学院学生应该考虑每所学校的“适合性”,而并不是只参考“放之四海而皆准”的排名就坐决定。另有抱怨说,由于地理或人口原因,排名会对大学产生影响。 美国律师协会发布了关于法学院评级系统的免责声明,并 鼓励未来的法学院学生在选择学校时考虑多种因素。 US News首席数据策略师Robert Morse,以及数据与信息策略高级副总裁Stephanie Salmon在公开信中说:“我们意识到,法律教育既不是一块单一的铁板,也不是静态的、一成不变的,排名如此广泛被接受,可能无法在一套通用数据的大目标中抓住每个学校的个体细微差别。“ 此外,US News也表示,无论学校是否同意提交他们的数据,都将继续对法学院进行排名。 2024年US News法学院(续) 修改后,US News对学校资助的全职长期研究员职位给予充分的加权,也就是弱化学术管理人员、律师和法官对法学院质量进行评级的调查,而是更加注重 律师资格考试通过率和就业结果 (新版占58%)等指标。 同时将花更多时间来解决“贷款援助偿还计划、基于需求的援助、多样性和社会经济考虑”相关议题。这些都是法学院重点关切的方面。

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